Tag Archives: boss!kado

Clap clap clap. Clap. Clap clap.

Summary: The quiet and the loud have always managed a peaceful coexistence until they reach adulthood.
Pairings: mkcr + mrsrkr? + sziz? + wker? + ckms? + delpys?
Rating: T
Genre: Mystery / Drama
Story Type: Strange!AU
Setting: Based on this niconico video (which is now private, aw).
Warning: Character death.
Additional: Background information on the lore for this story.

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Summary: A series of unknown events join together the fates of these characters, all heading to one point in time.
Pairings: kraomr + iznm + light!msan
Rating: M
Genre: Fantasy / Mystery
Story Type: Fantasy!AU
Setting: Based on pixiv image placed below the cut.
Warning: Character death.
Additional: Background information on Mikado’s timeline.

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In here, for you

Summary: Inside this complex, those of not a sound mind reside. And in his search for someone, he releases another. Yet, he is loved.
Pairings: aomk? + izmk? + srcr? + szmk + aokr
Rating: T
Genre: Mystery / Drama
Story Type: Simply AU.
Setting: Based on the pixiv picture after the cut. Link placed on picture for ease. Two-parter.
Warning: No naming so it can get a bit confusing when keeping track of what’s going on. Use image as reference to how they’re dressed.
Additional: Background information on who is in each ward.

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Scars and all

Summary: Aoba keeps getting lost in thought as only one thing, or person, keeps invading his mind.
Pairings: mkao
Rating: M
Genre: Violence / Romance
Story Type: Canon!AU
Setting: Based after vol6, after Mikado assumes charge of the Blue Squares. I haven’t read vol7 or 8 so I don’t know how their relationships work aside from what I’ve seen in pixiv.
Warning:  Some S!Mikado.

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Recluse in War and Life Extra: Transmission

Transmission from another plane of existence

“Huff… Huff…” Her breath was hard and fast but that was the least of her problems. She needed to get there in time, otherwise…

She fell to the ground and quickly got back up. Looking at the hour marked on the watch on her wrist, she felt a light chill. She needed to hurry and reach the place, otherwise…

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Recluse in War and Life Scene 73

A day in the recluse’s new life

After his chaotic first day, Mikado, Masaomi and Anri walked side-by-side home. However, on the way, they saw Shizuo in the distance and Mikado’s friends froze. Mikado smiled as Shizuo turned to look at the boy.

“Hey, Mikado.” Shizuo called Mikado over and the boy, like an obedient puppy, quickly walked over to his side, much to Masaomi’s displeasure. “Stay still.” He ordered and placed his hand on Mikado’s head so he would continue to face him. Then, with no warning whatsoever, he lowered his body to place a soft kiss on the boy’s lips.

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